? ??????????????Love Storm? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (24 Ratings)??37 Grabs Today. 14635 Total Grabs. ?????
?Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????Born 2 Be A Star? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (19 Ratings)??35 Grabs Today. 11282 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, August 31, 2009

what i had learned????

I had been given a task by my lecturer, Sir Syzry to do an assignment 1. It is about to do a quotation for sells a hardware and software of computer. Which is Personal Computer (PC), Laptop, Inkjet printer, Scanner, Monochrome Printer, Windows Vista and Windows Office 2007.

During my research about this assignment, I had learned more about computer hardware and computer software. Our task is to survey the best items and know the description all about item at above and make a decision which one is the best for selling to other company.

Now, my assignment accomplished. So, with this task, I had learned more about computer and technologies. Now I had known that our technologies was improved by day to day. And it is important to our's and for modenity.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

MIS punyer pasal da...............

Pada suatu mase, aku dan kawan2 beramai2 la keluar ke bandar melaka.Almaklumla kolej aku ni teperuk dalam hutan sikit.Nak keluar ni ad cabaran gak la.hahahaha..tujuan kitorang keluar ni,sebab nak cari bahan tok assignment MIS la.Ala, kalau dak kolej aku bace ni,mesti korang tau subjek saper kan??hehehe..jangan mara eh Encik Syzry..huhuhu..

So, dalam keadaan yang membahayakan kesihatan (selseme babi, H1N1)kitorang tempuh gak.Nak carik bahan punyer pasal.Kitorang g Mahkota Parade time 2,ade PC FAir.Macam2 kitorang jumper.Banyak gak la maklumat kitorang dapat.Seronok pun ade gak,mane
taknyer,mekap cun2 laz2 kene kai mask gak.hahaha..

Pade mase yang same, kitorang sempat gak merayap dalam mall 2.jumper la badut, merasa belon gak sorang 1.Macam budak2 da...ni ad gambarnyer.hahaha..posing maut r badut 2.emm..Sebenarnyer aku nak gi tengok wayang time 2, tapi member aku ni x bawak spek dia lak,so terpakse la cancelkan rancangan murni aku 2..da nasib..

After that kitorang gi Dataran Pahlawan lak.pe lagi.sempat ar gi shopping baju and seluar sepasang.heheheeh...Penat merayap kat sane, bajet nak balik la.laz2 singgah kat TESCO lak.pergh,gi pekene cake kat Secret Recepie lak.memang fun ar time 2.ha. kat situ lak ak jumpe "orang MarryBrown"hahaha..posing lagi beb.mane leh lepas peluang camni.tol x??hahahah..maklumla, org giler posing.(nampak jer besar,tapi macam budak2 lagi kitorang ni)kwan

Pas2 da penat tahap gaban and kaki pon da nak tercabut,kitorang pon menapak gi Melaka Central ar.NAk balik tunggu bas.So, at conclusion,seronok r time 2.MIS punyer pasal,menempuh maut pon kitorang sanggup.So,Encik Syzry,pe lagi,bagi ar fullmark 4 my assignment..huahuahua...

Majulah MIS untuk KPM....

All About 'HOTSPOT' -MIS-

Hotspot is a physical location that offers INTERNET ACCES over a WIRELESS LAN through the use of a shared internet connection and a single ROUTER. Hotspots can typically be found in COFFE SHOPS and various other public establishment.

The public can use a laptop, WiFi phone, or other suitable portable device to access the wireless connection (usually Wi-Fi) provided. Of the estimated 150 million laptops, 14 million PDAs, and other emerging Wi-Fi devices sold per year for the last few years, most include the Wi-Fi feature. For venues that have broadband Internet access, offering wireless access is as simple as purchasing one AP, in conjunction with a router and connecting the AP to the Internet connection. A single wireless router combining these functions may suffice.

Hotspots are often found at restaurants, train stations, airports, military bases, libraries, hotels, hospitals, coffe shops, bookstores, fuel stations, departments stores,supermarkets, RV parks and campgrounds and other public places. Many universities and schools have wireless networks in their campus.

There is 2 types of Hotspot :

1.Free Wi-Fi hotspots

  • Using an open public network is the easiest way to create a free HotSpot. All that is needed is a Wi-Fi router. Private users of wireless routers can turn off their authentication requirements, thus opening their connection, intentionally or not, for sharing by anyone in range. The disadvantage is that access to the router cannot be controlled.
  • Closed public networks use a HotSpot Management System to control the HotSpot. This software runs on the router itself or an external computer. With this software, operators can authorize only specific users to access the Internet, and they often associate the free access to a menu or to a purchase limit. Operators are also now able to limit each user's available bandwidth - each user is therefore restricted to a certain speed to ensure that everyone gets a good quality service. Often this is done through Service Legal Agreement
2.Commercial hotspots

A commercial hotspot may feature:

  • A captive portal / Login Screen that users are redirected to forauthentication and payment
  • A payment option using credit card, PayPal, BOZII,iPass or other payment service
  • A walled garden feature that allows free access to certain sites

Many services provide payment services to hotspot providers, for a monthly fee or commission from the end-user income.ZoneCD is a Linux distribution that provides payment services for hotspots who wish to deploy their own service.

Major airports and business hotels are more likely to charge for service. Most hotels provide free service to guests; and increasingly small airports and airline lounges offer free service.

Roaming services are expanding among major hotspot service providers. With roaming service the users of a commercial provider can have access to other provider's hotspots with extra fees, in which such a user will be usually charged on the basis of access-per-minuite.

FON is a European company that allows users to share their wireless broadband and sells excess bandwidth to outside users (Aliens). Since this may breach users terms of service, FON has agreements with many broadband providers / ISPs.

One of the companies is TravelNetcon- an international high-speed Internet HotSpot mediator. Boingo is another major provider of hotspots.

tHe NeW bOrN...

Tanggal 30 ogos 2009, lahirlah seorang baby. Baby tu baby akak aku. Akak aku melahirkan anak die pukul 4 lebih. Dapat baby girl tau. Satu family aku seronok, maklum la cucu first bagi mak aku.Mane tak seronoknyer. Aku lak dapat anak buah first.hehehe...

Name die kitorang tak letak lagi,tapi akak aku nak letak name anak die SITI NUR BALQIS, bez x?huhuhu..Aku bersyukur sangat akak aku selamat melahirkan anak die.Mane x nye aku risau, 2 hari akak aku duduk dalam hospital.Mula2 doktor cakap dia x bleh bersalin normal,kena bedah.Tapi kitorang 1 family x putus doa pada ALLAH supaya dia boleh bersalin normal. Akhirnya selamat gak.

Ni aku ada letak gambar dia.Korang tengok la.Comelkan?macam makcik dia gak(perasan lak aku)hehehe..So, aku harap, baby baru ni dapat bagi sinar baru dalam hidup kitorang sekeluarga.Paling bez,tahun ni kitorang beraya dengan orang baru...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

How To Make Chocolate Tart


* 200 g / 7.1 oz ready-made, short crust dough

* 500 g / 17.6 oz chopped dark chocolate

* 300 ml / 10.6 fl. oz cream

* 200 ml milk / 7 fl. oz

* 2 whole eggs

* 1 egg yolk

* 2 tbsp / 30 ml brandy

* a quarter tsp salt

* a little whipped cream for the garnish[[Category:Tarts]]


1. Preheat the oven. Before you begin making the tart, set the oven to 180º C / 360º F.

2. Prepare the mould. Take the ready-made dough and very carefully fit it onto the tart mould, being careful not to rip it. Make sure it is fitted along the whole bottom of the pan. To ensure this, lift up on the sides and gently press the dough against the pan.

3.Press the dough onto the sides of the mould and tear away any excess. Use a fork and make pricks into the tart crust, covering the entire bottom just as the photo shows. This will keep the dough from rising.

4. Bake the dough. Place some aluminium paper on top of the dough and then fill the mould with the beans. This is done to stop the dough from rising during baking. Place it into the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes. This process is known as "blind baking."

5. Take the tart shell out of the oven and remove the foil and the beans. Since the tart has no actual cooking time, the crust has to be brown on top before it is filled with the chocolate. If it is not yet brown, return the empty shell to the oven for about 5 minutes.

6. Melt the chocolate. Place a stainless steel mixing bowl over a pot of simmering water, making sure that the bottom of the bowl does not come into contact with the water. Now introduce the chocolate into the bowl and wait for it to melt. You can give it a quick stir to help it along. When thoroughly melted, leave the bowl over the hot water and remove it from the heat.

7. Warm the liquids. Add the cream, the milk, the brandy, and the salt to a saucepan and warm them up over a medium heat. Take special care not to let it boil.

8. Make the filling. Next, whisk the eggs in a small bowl and combine them with the milk. Now strain the hot milk mixture into the melted chocolate, whisking gently to combine it thoroughly but taking special care not to add any excess air into the mixture. The filling needs to be dense, not fluffy.

9. Make the tart. You are now ready to put the tart together. Carefully pour the chocolate filling into the shell. Your chocolate tart is ready for the oven.

10. Cook the tart.Put the tart into the preheated oven. Let it cook for five minutes and then turn off the heat. Now leave it inside the oven for about 40 minutes more. When that time has passed, take it out and place it in the refrigerator to chill for at least 3 hours.

11. Serve. Once the tart is cooled, carefully remove it from the mould and serve it. It goes well with whipped cream or any type of ice cream.